The latest JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure ichiban kuji lottery titled JoJo’s Assemble was released on April 10, 2021. JoJo’s Assemble focuses on the main characters from Part 1-5 of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series and there is a wide range of prizes to win ranging from figures, bottles, towels, and more!
Each lottery ticket costs 850 yen and the prizes are only obtainable through Ichiban Kuji, so they’re very limited!
I was shocked to find out that my local Don Quixote was selling them.
JoJo's ichiban kuji
— Swaps4 (@Swaps4) April 10, 2021
I tried my luck twice at first and got a Prize C (Jotaro Kujo Figure) and Prize H (Towel). I felt lucky so I tried another two times only to receive two Prize H (Towel).
— Swaps4 (@Swaps4) April 10, 2021
Here’s a look at the prizes I got:
Thanks to Collabo Cafe and Ichiban Kuji, here’s a closer look at all the prizes featured in the JoJo’s Assemble ichiban kuji:
- Prize A – Jonathan Joestar
- Prize B – Joseph Joestar
- Prize C – Jotaro Kujo Figure
- Prize D – Josuke Higashikata Figure
- Prize E – Giorno Giovanna Figure
- Prize F – Bottle
- Prize G – Glass Plate
- Prize H – Towels
If you happen to buy the last ticket, you automatically win the Last One prize which is a figure of Jotaro Kujo.
I’m Jake Caprino, who is more commonly known by the online alias Swaps4. I’m a business owner based in Japan. I enjoy writing about anime, video games, and bits & pieces of Japanese culture.