Japanese anime television network AT-X has recently broadcasted the first two episodes of the anime adaptation of Rui Tsukiyo and Shiokonbu’s Redo of Healer in the uncensored “Complete Recovery” broadcast version. There are three different broadcast versions of the Redo of Healer anime: a censored broadcast version, a streaming-exclusive “Redo” version, and an uncensored “Complete Recovery” version.
Today we’ll be taking a look at episodes 1 and 2 of the uncensored “Complete Recovery” version of Redo of Healer which airs on AT-X at 4:00 a.m. JST.
Note: Spoilers for Episode 1 to 2 of the Redo of Healer series
The images on the left are the uncensored “Complete Recovery” version and the images on the right are from the censored broadcast version. Click on an image below and use the arrow keys for easier navigation.
Source: Nylon66
I’m Jake Caprino, who is more commonly known by the online alias Swaps4. I’m a business owner based in Japan. I enjoy writing about anime, video games, and bits & pieces of Japanese culture.